Friday, August 31, 2012

History Essay and Identification examples

I am going to post some identification examples that did for a test. The only thing that was on the test sheet were a bunch of names and then the essay questions.

Identifications (30) points

martin Luther

moderate phase of the french revolution

napoleon Bonaparte


etc. that's what the ID page looked like

the Essay Questions looked like this

Essay Questions (120 points)

1. discuss the political ideologies of two of the following men. include in your answers a discussion of the historical events or movements that influenced each of your choices.

a. john Locke

b. maximilen robespierre

c. karl marx

2. for what reasons did europeans attempt to create empires in africa and asia in the late ninetheenth cnetury and what were some of the consequences of decolonization in the twentieth century

example 1. Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a german monk and theologian who lived in Saxony. In 1517 he posted the Ninety-Five Thesis as a sesponce to the corruption fo the Catholic Church. The Pope was selling a massive amount of indulgences as a way to reaise money for a building project. Martin Luther in his Ninety-Five Thesis spelled out what was wrong wti the church. He also believed in the Justification in the book of John where it states that salvation can be acheived by faith alone. Luther was excommunicated and later moved from the idea of reforming the Catholic chrch to starting his own religion. He implemented several changes that set it apart from the catholic shurch. Clergy were allowed to marry and also he advocated the traslation fot he bible into the vecacular or spoken world. Also he believed that a believer had the ability to understand the bible contrary to the catholic belif that stated only clergy could understand and disipher biblical message.

- ok so this is rough please understand that this is what i wrote in a test and i had to pick 6 ID's and do 3 short answer essays (aka. atleast 1 page long). I got full credit for this ID and this is how the points broke down it was worth 5 points so i should have a minimun of 5 facts on this ID

1. who was martin luther monk and theologian

2. lived in saxony

3. what he is known for the Ninety-five thesis and since this is a history ID i need a year so 1517 is the only i rememberd

4. why he posted this why he is important. spoke out agains the corruption of the church then i explained why the church was corrupt

5. his reasons for attacking the church Book of John Justification of faith which is the termonology for that idea

6. outcome what it led to... led to a seperation from the catholic church and sprung up protistant and other faiths

that is a basic ID the who what when where why and how need to be explained in a basic form. the short answer essays are a mini essay about a page to page and a half depending on how fast you write. i am not going to post one of those just because i am going to post a history essay later. hope this helps on what some of the format to the history test look like and give you an idea as to what professors expect.

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