Essay Scoring Guide for English
Superior 6: An "A" essay demonstrates superior use of writing mechanics and presentation of content. It will:
- show a command of language and style
- demonstrate a clear sencse of essay form, paragraphing and transitions
- suport a thesis with specific and convincing evidence
- be nearly free of error
Above Average 5; A "B" essay demonstrates clear competence in writing mechanics and presenation of content. It will:
- demonstrate a sense of essay form, paragraphing and transitions
- be generally well organized adn well developed although it offers fewer details or examples than an "A" paper
- Offer some explanation or illustrations of key ideas
- demonstrate sentence control in grammar adn punctuation with few errors
- display fundemental mastery of language
Average 4: A "C" essay demonstrates general competence in writing mechanics and the presentation of content. It will:
- provide an adequate thesis, organization and development with some appropriate examples
- demonstrate a basic knowledge of sentence structure without an overwhelming number of errors
- address the topic adequately, although perhaps not completely
- demonstrate adequate mastery of the language
Approaching Competence 3: A "D"essay is flawed in writing mechanics and/or the presentation of content. It will:
- respond to the topic, but in generalizations, not providing adequate or appropriate detail and specifics, neglecting part of the writing task
- be underdeveloped or disorganized
- display patters or an accumulation of major errors in usage, punctuation or grammar
- display limited or inappropriate word choice
Limited Competence 2-1: An "F" essay shows a lack of writing competence. It will:
- fail to respond to the question, or do so in a way that is hard to understand
- offer almost no detail or relevant specifics
- contain serious and frequent errors in usage and sentence structure
- Be difficult to understand
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